Happy Kitty Sewing: Green Bag Lady   

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Green Bag Lady

Green Bag Lady has a fantastic cause she has been doing since 2008.  To eliminate the abundance of plastic waste in the world, she has been giving away handmade, beautiful, reusable market bags.  I just received an email today, that said I am the proud recipient of bag #20,500!!  How awesome is that?  I won last week in a contest that she hosted to giveaway her awesome bags.  She said she has been keeping some vintage fabric on hand for quite some time, so she decided to make some special bags out of it, and I was one of the winners!!  I will treasure that bag for the rest of my life, let me tell you.  Go check out her site and read about all the goodness she has put back into the Universe ;)  I'll post a picture when I get it in the mail this week ;)

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